
Record: Collection of fields is nothing but record.
7 types of records are there in PeopleSoft.Out of which 4 are Database Object and 3 are Non-Database objects.
Below four are Database object: It has a physical structure in DataBase.

SQL Table: A physical SQL Table present in the database, this is the default.
SQL View:  Not a physical SQL Table but corresponds to a view written in SQL referring to one or more fields from different tables. This gives a filtered view of the information stored in tables. Stored in the database as a view. (Query view is system generated and SQL views are created by the developer) whenever you modify a record you need to take care: check if any views are dependent on this record. 
Query View: using the PeopleSoft Query we don’t need to write a query it will automatically generate by dragging and dropping. This is a two-tier tool and runs through application designer and produces SQL dependent upon the host RDBMS.
Temporary Table: we will do all the manipulations on the data present in the temporary table. Increases the performance, as it is not stored in the database. Used mainly for the AE batch processes

Below Three are a Non-Database object: Object does not have a physical structure in DataBase.

Dynamic view: A record definition that can be used like a view in pages and People Code but is not stored as a SQL view in the database. Dynamic views provide superior performance. 
Derived/Work: We can use it to calculations. It is not an object, and also we can use it as a funclib. A temporary workspace to use during online page processing. A derived or work record is not stored in the database, so no need to build it.
Sub Record: Group of fields used in multiple records like companies having address data of employees. If you have to use the same fields in different record definitions, then we will store all those fields in a subrecord and add this sub record as a field to the record definitions. Stored in the database.

Record Properties

Record Build Options

Build option: Create table, create index, create view, Alter Table, Create Trigger.

Build Execute Option: build script file create only script file
                                     Execute SQL now, create only table in DB
                                     Execute and Build script, create both.

prompt table
Prompt tables are the most common methods for validating data entry in peoplesoft applications.  This is like application data table the only difference is that it stores values that other tables can validate against. Prompt table is a control table. (Country table and Company table)

Translate Table 
It will store values for fields that don't require an individual prompt table, It is also known as xlat table. The data we store in the translate table does not change often. Each database contains one translate table. (blood types, days of the week)

Structure of the Translate Table (PSXLATITEM)

Field Name
Field name, such as ABSENCE_TYPE
Language code
Value for the field
Effective date
Internal version number (system-maintained)
Status—active or inactive
30-character description; used as a label on pages and reports
10-character description; used as a label on pages and reports
Date Time field showing the last time that a field was updated
User ID of the user who most recently updated the field


Record field properties(Edit TAB)
  1. Prompt Table With Edit
  2. Prompt Table No Edit
  3. Translate Table
  4. Yes/No Table Edit
Prompt Table No Edit:  Provides List of Suggested values, which users cannot edit.
Prompt Table With Edit: Users can edit the contents of the field against the values that are maintained in the specified prompt Table.
Translate Table Edit: Which is nothing but a translate table created by developer.
Yes/No Table:In some situations we want the user to enter only Boolean values like yes or no true or false in this situation we will use yes no table. The Translate Table for ex: PSYESNO. When you select the Yes/No Table Edit, the system automatically points to the PSYESNO field in the Translate Table .

Difference between prompt table with edit and No Edit?
Prompt Table No Edit:  Provides List of Suggested values, which users cannot edit.
Prompt Table With Edit: Users can edit the contents of the field against the values that are maintained in the specified prompt Table.

From search key: Gives the values from the specified value to the max values For ex:  if we have to search values after emplid of 100 to the max then we should enter 100 in the from search key. (total values to be displayed are 300 values)
Through search key: gives values from the given value – 300 values.

 What is the difference between key and search key and also alternate search key?

Keys determine the structure that makes a row of data unique.  A key may also be a search key, which makes the field appear on search pages to help users locate rows of data.  Alternate key are only used for search pages and have nothing to do with the table structure. Alternate search key provides an alternate path into the table data. It will appear to the user whenever he clicks advanced search option.
What is the difference between record properties and record field properties?
Record properties apply to the entire record definition. Record field properties are not shared among records, they are specific to a single record definition and are stored with the record. Each record stores a unique set of record field properties while the primary field definition remains the same.

What is Component Buffer?
Area in memory, which stores data for the currently active component. Whenever you open a component the entire data for that component is retrieved upfront and stored in the application server. Component buffer is a temporary buffer allocation.

What is component processor?
It is a peopletool runtime engine that controls the processing of the application.

What is a data buffer?
Data buffer contains multiple components of data.

What is the difference between component buffer and data buffer?
Component buffer contains active component data i.e. level 0 data. Data buffer contains multiple components of data.

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