
Steps for creating a Sub Record, Sub Page and Secondary Page In  PeopleSoft

Steps for creating a sub record:
1. Create necessary fields.
2. Open a new record and drag and drop the necessary fields in to the record
3. Save it with _SBR and Build the Project.
4. Open the Existing record which we want to insert the sub record into it.
5. Click on Insert-->Subrecord
6. Select the sub record (ex:AST_STU_SBP) and click on insert.
7. Build the project.
8. Save it.

Steps for creating a sub page:
1. Click on New-->Page
2. Right click on the page and select Sub Page.
3. Drag and drop the necessary fields from the Sub record
4. Save it with _SBP
5. Click on Insert-->Subpage
6. Select the Sub page from the list and click on Ok
Steps for creating secondary page
1. Drag and drop all the necessary fields in to the main record
2. Open a new page-->Right click and select Secondary page
3. Drag and drop all the necessary fields in to it.
4. Save it with _SEC.
5. Click on Insert-->hyperlink/push button.
6. Select destination as Secondary PAge.
7. Record name tbl
8. select the secondary page.

How many levels can we have on a page?
Page allows Nested levels up to 3 levels.          

What are Level Based Controls and their Difference?
Level Based controls are Scroll Area, Grid and Scroll Bar.
Scroll areas have their page fields arranged by the developer. Page fields in a gird always appear in a single row. In grid we can view no of rows by giving occurrences. Scroll areas provide a row separator when you select multiple occurrences of data. We can view multiple rows in a grid while in a scroll area you can retrieve only one row at a time. One can have nested scroll areas but not grids. You can insert grid in a scroll area but not scroll in a grid.

What is the difference between scroll area and Grid?
A scroll areas single row of data will be displayed whereas in grid multiple rows of data will be available.

Scroll properties:

Difference between standard, secondary and subpage?

Standard page: It is the graphical interface between users and database. The important data is displayed in the standard page. We can place secondary as well as a subpage in standard page.
Secondary Page:  Page that will open on users request but remains as a secondary to the primary page display. We can open it through standard page only. The data within secondary page is at the same level or below the level of the page control that launches the secondary page.
Subpage: subpage controls are used to provide standard look for the commonly used fields.  A sub page is referenced as a page control on multiple standard pages.

Difference between subpage and sub record
All the fields in a subpage must be associated with fields of a sub record in the specified record definition.  Subrecord contains all related fields, whereas subpage contains fields from sub record.

What is occur level and occur count?

Occurs Level: Occurs level determines the level of the object that we inserted. By using this we can set levels for example after inserting a level based control in level 2 if you want to change the level based control to level 1 you can change the occurs level.
Occur Count: Occur Count determines how many rows should be displayed.  For ex if you want the scroll to display only 5 rows then we will give occurs count to 5.

Can you write People Code in Secondary as well in Sub Page?
People Code can be used on the secondary page just like any other page.  We cannot write People Code for Subpage.

Can we have 2 Scroll areas at Level 1?
Yes, we can have 2 scroll areas at level 1.

What are multi level pages where should the field at level 0 be getting their data from?
Level 0 fields must be associated with record fields of search record.

Can we keep 2 records at level 0?
Yes we can have 2 records at level 0 provided should match the key fields.

Differed and Interactive Processing
In Interactive mode for every cursor action there will be a trip to the server. In deferred processing mode, trips to the server are reduced. In Interactive whenever a user exits a field there will be a trip to the server.
In Differed processing until a user performs an action, which requires a trip to the server there wont be any trips to the application server.

In how many places we can set Differed processing?

What is the design Considerations while designing a page?

Put the field control on the appropriate derived or work record, rather than on a regular data record definition to derive its value. Use as few record definitions as possible in a component.
Do not remove table edits to improve performance, even though an edit against another table causes a short pause. Eliminating them might compromise data integrity. Apply deferred processing when possible to fields, pages, and components.
Can we have a subpage at 0 Level?
Yes, we can have a sub page at 0 level.

Can we have a Secondary page at 0 Level?
We cannot have a secondary page in 0 Level.

Can we have a Grid in Level 2 and scroll area in level 3?
Yes we can. But performance issues say that a grid should always reside in the last level

Can we have Nested Grids?
No we cannot have Nested Grids.

What is Parent Child Relationship?
To maintain parent child relationship if the parent table contains one key field the child table should contain the same key field and one additional key.
In parent child relationship we should have a relation between two tables ex: if “A” is the parent table with “x” as a key and “B” is another table then “B” should have “x” as a key with another key “y”, then “B” is the child table of for table “A”.

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