Application Engine Error Debuging

What errors you got when you are running A.E program?  
You can set the Debug option in the following locations:
  • ·     Start PeopleSoft Configuration Manager and select the Process Scheduler tab. In the Application Engine group, enable Debug by selecting the Debug checkbox. This is the method that applies to all methods of invocation.
  • ·     If you used the command line option to invoke your Application Engine program, then you can just include the —DEBUG Y parameter in the command line you submit to PSAE.EXE. If you already have the Debug checkbox selected in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager, then you do not need to include the —DEBUG parameter in your command line.
  • ·     If you have PeopleCode in your Application Engine program, you should also enable the PeopleCode Debugger. When you launch your program and the PeopleCode Action executes, you will enter the PeopleCode Debugger at that point.

Note. Setting the debug capabilities in either PeopleSoft Configuration Manager or the command line will turn to debug mode on. The only situation where this is not true is when you have Debug enabled in Configuration Manager and you explicitly submit —DEBUG N on the command line. In this case, the PeopleSoft Configuration Manager setting defines your "default" command line value, and the command line can override the default.

How do you enable the PeopleCode Debugger for Application Engine?

1.   Sign on to PeopleTools using the same User ID that you are going to use to invoke the Application Engine program.
2.   Open PeopleSoft Application Designer.
3.   Select Debug, PeopleCode Debugger Mode.
4.   Your Application Engine program can be open on the desktop, but you do not need to open the Application Engine program or the PeopleCode action that you want to debug.
5.   Select Debug, Break at Start.
6.   This causes the Application Engine program to break prior to executing any PeopleCode programs within it. 

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