Application Designer:
- SQL View & Dynamic view:
Ans) 1) SQL view is a database object and Dynamic view is not a database object
2) Needs to write sql manually in SQL view , Needs to populate the dynamic view dynamically through peoplecode
2. How to bypass the search page for a component
Ans) 1) No searck keys in search record
2) Defining Installation table as a search record
3) By using PeopleCode function.
People Code:
- How do you change drop down list values dynamically?
Ans) AddDropDownItem(CodeString, DescriptionString)
The AddDropDownItem method adds an item to the dropdown list in the control for the field. The first time this method is called, it overrides the prompt table or translate table used to populate the list. Those items no longer appear in the list. Only the items added using this method display.
2. Dynamic Prompts
- Through Dynamic Prompt we can dynamically change the underlying prompt table for a particular field depending upon previous selection
- Select EDITTABLE from DERIVED work record
- Assign this field name %EDITTABLE as a prompt table at record field properties
- In FieldChange PeopleCode write the PeopleCode based on the condition
- Turn the Interactive mode & Populate DERIVED.fieldname with the use of People Code
- By using Dynamic views we can achieve the same
- Build a dynamic view in App Designer and place the fields and enable search and List box items
- Go to the record field which needs to have dynamic prompt , Assign this dynamic view as a prompt
- Write people code to pass the SQL dynamically by using field property SQLTEXT
3.Error Handling functions in People Code
Ans) Error MessageGetText
Error MessageGetExplainText
Error MessageGet
4. Difference between SavePreChange & Post Change
5. Difference between Component Prebuild and Post build
6. Save Processing : SaveEdit -> Save PreChange -> SQL Insert/Update/Delete ->Save Postchange
7. Search Processing :
8. Exit (1) causes immediate termination of a PeopleCode program. Use this parameter torollback database changes.
Exit (0) caused immediate termination of a Peoplecode Program but don’t makerollback in the database.
Application Engine:
- What is Dynamic Call section? & App engine from scratch..?
At Run time, the application engine can be coded to call the different section based on certain conditions. In order to achieve it, the following steps need to be followed:
5. Parallel Processing & Temporary tables advanced
Parallel processing is simultaneous execution of multiple instances of a single program
- Concurrent execution of a program by multiple users
- Reduction of processing time by partitioning high volumes of data into batches
6. Commit in Application Engine
7. Calling Sqr from Application Engine
CreateProcessRequest([ProcessType, ProcessName])
&Prc = CreateProcessRequest();
&Prc.ProcessType = "SQR Report";
&Prc.ProcessName = "Your_Process";
&Prc.RunControlID = Your_AET.RUNCNTLID;
&Prc.RunLocation = "Server";
&Prc.OutDestType = "Web";
&Prc.OutDestFormat = "PDF";
If &Prc.Status = 0 Then
MessageBox(0, "", 0, -1, "Process Started");
MessageBox(0, "", 0, -1, "Process could not start");
catch Exception &ex
MessageBox(0, "", 0, -1 , "Process could not start");
- SHOW : Can be used to show multiple variables at a time
- DISPLAY: Can be used to show one variable at a time.
- MOVE : In addition to moving data from one field to another, it can also perform data conversions
- There is only one incompatible combination in the Move command: date and
Numeric fields cannot be converted into each other.
- LET :command is used to assign values to variables
3. What is SQC
- Library files , Contains reusable code , Can be called from multiple SQR’S
4. Why header & footer SC’s & Execution
5. SQR Execution steps
- Compile Stage :
Reads all the SQC initially (all #INCLUDE files & #DEFINE variables)
Looks for ASK command
Loads temporary buffer allocation for ARRAY s
Checks the Syntax
- Run Stage :
- ASK /INPUT is used to take I/P parameters from user
- ASK can only be used in SETUP section / Executes at the time of COMPILE time
- INPUT needs to be declared out of SETUP section & Executed at the time of run time.
7.Compile time & Run time
8.Error Handling in SQR
9.Calling AE from SQR
10. Load lookup / Array
11. On-Break
12. FILE Opening & Reading process
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