Component Interface
- Component Interface is an Integration Tool ,
- Its like a wrapper around the component .
- It exposes PeopleSoft component (Combination of pages) for the synchronous access from other applications
- One component can have multiple interfaces , But one CI maps to only one component
Every Component Interface will have 4 attributes
- Name of the component
- Keys
- Properties
- Methods
Name of the component: Each Component Interface will have a unique name . It will be given at the time of the creation of the component interface
Keys : Keys will be created basing on the search record definition of the component
Create Keys
These keys will be formed based on the ADD mode of the component . Search key in the search record will come under this
Get Keys
Search key for the search record will form this keys
Find Keys
Both the search key & alternate search keys will form this
Properties: Properties gives access to component data and settings . There are 2 types properties
Methods: A method is like a function that can perform a specific task according to requirement .There are 2 types of methods
Standard Properties
These properties can be set to true or false .These cannot be displayed in Application Designer they are
Interactive Mode
Get History Items
Edit History Items
User-defined Properties
User -defined properties will relates to record fields of the underlying component
Fields - Properties
Scroll data - Collections
Behavior of the CI by the property setting
It is same as the accessing the component in theUpdate/Display Allwhere we can see the past information but cannot edit the data
It is same as the accessing the component in theCorrection Mode
It equivalents with Update Modehere there is no value to EditHistoryItems when GetHistoryItems is false
Interactive Mode
False makes to skip firing of the individual properties (fields) code .
True means Code will get fire for the FieldChange event of the properties.
Standard Methods
These are common for all the Interfaces
User defined Methods
These are further created by user on his requirement
Creating Component Interface in Application Designer:
1. Open new Component Interface.
2. Select the Component
3. Save the Component Interface with _CI.
4. Drag and drop the component Interface in to the Application Engine Programs
(Which generates the People code automatically. Edit it )
To test the component Interface:
1. Right click Component Interface
2. Click on Test Component Interface.
Steps to give permissions to CI:
1. People Tools-->Security-->Permissions & Roles-->Permission Lists
2. Add HCCPFGALLP (Federal all pages)
3. Click on Component Interface tab.
4. Add the Component interface.
5. Select thr Coponent Interface and click on Edit.
6. Click on Full Access and click on Ok.
7. Save it.
1. Open new Component Interface.
2. Select the Component
3. Save the Component Interface with _CI.
4. Drag and drop the component Interface in to the Application Engine Programs
(Which generates the People code automatically. Edit it )
To test the component Interface:
1. Right click Component Interface
2. Click on Test Component Interface.
Steps to give permissions to CI:
1. People Tools-->Security-->Permissions & Roles-->Permission Lists
2. Add HCCPFGALLP (Federal all pages)
3. Click on Component Interface tab.
4. Add the Component interface.
5. Select thr Coponent Interface and click on Edit.
6. Click on Full Access and click on Ok.
7. Save it.
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