Tables (PeopleTools.HRMS)

Core payroll tables are required to implement the PeopleSoft Payroll application, including organization tables, compensation and earnings tables, deduction tables, pay calendar tables, garnishment tables, vendor tables, general ledger interface, tax tables, retroactive processing, and tip allocation. PeopleSoft updates tax tables annually.

PeopleTool Table

* PSPROJECTDEFN — Project header table
* PSPROJECTITEM — Definitions in the project 

Peoplecode Table

* PSPCMTXT  Stores a read-only version of the PeopleCode.
* PSPCMNAME —Record searched when using ‘Find Definition References’ within App Designer.

* PSPCMPROGActual code itself is stored in the PROGTXT.

* PSDBFIELD — Fields in the system
* PSXLATITEM — Translate Values 

* PSRECDEFN — Record header table
* PSRECFIELD — Fields in the record (subrecords not expanded)
* PSRECFIELDALL — Fields in the record (subrecords expanded)
* PSKEYDEFN — Indexes
* PSTBLSPCCAT — Tablespaces
* PSRECTBLSPC — Records’ tablespace assignments 

(Note: Pages still have the name panels in the PeopleTools table names)
* PSPNLDEFN — Page header table
* PSPNLFIELD — Page controls (field types/FIELDTYPE)
* PSPNLHTMLAREA — Static HTML Areas on Pages 


(Note: Components still have the name panel group in the PeopleTools table names)

* PSPNLGRPDEFN — Component header table
* PSPNLGROUP — Pages in the components 

Component Interface

* PSBCDEFN — header record; one row for each component interface
* PSBCITEM — one row for each property 


* PSMENUDEFN — Menu header table
* PSMENUITEM — Items (components) on the menu 


* PSCLASSDEFN — Permission List header table
* PSAUTHITEM — Menu items granted security by permission lists
* PSROLEDEFN — Role header table
* PSROLECLASS — Permission Lists in roles
* PSOPRDEFN — User ID header table
* PSROLEUSER — Roles granted to users 

Process Scheduler

* PS_PRCSDEFN — Process Definition Header
* PS_PRCSDEFNGRP — Process Group
* PS_PRCSDEFNPNL — Component
* PSPRCSRQST — Process Request Instances
* PS_PRCSJOBITEM — Job Processes 


* PSPRSMDEFN — Content References and Folders
* PSPRUHTABPGLT — Portal User HP Tab Pagelet 

Change Control

* PSCHGCTLHIST — shows history of locked definitions with project name, incident, and description
* PSCHGCTLLOCK — shows definitions that are currently locked 

Application Engine

* PSAEAPPLDEFN — header record; 1 row per app engine
* PSAEAPPLSTATE — state records assigned to app engines
* PSAEAPPLTEMPTBL — temp tables assigned to app engines
* PSAESECTDEFN — sections
* PSAESTMTDEFN — actions (action types) 

List Log Messages

HTML Definitions

* PSCONTDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
* PSCONTENT — stores actual text in the HTML definition 

SQL Definitions

* PSSQLDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
* PSSQLTEXTDEFN — stores actual text in the SQL definition 

File Layout Definitions

* PSFLDDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
* PSFLDSEGDEFN — stores the segments for each layout
* PSFLDFIELDDEFN — stores the fields for each layout 


* APPR_RULE_DETL - Approval Rule Defn Details
* APPR_RULE_FIELD - Approval Rule Defn Route Cntl
* APPR_RULE_AMT - Approval Rule Amounts
* RTE_CNTL_LN - Route Control Profile Line
* RTE_CNTL_RUSER - RoleUser Route Cntl Profiles
* RTE_CNTL_TYPE - Route Control Type
* RTE_CNTL_HDR - Routing Control Type

People Payroll Tables
Employee Data Tables