Differences between Employee and Contingent
• Employee – A person who is hired to provide services to the organization and having legal relationship with the organization.
Identification: In Job data -- Action/Reason will be “HIRE”
• Contingent worker -- A person who is hired to provide services to the organization and does not have a legal relationship with the organization (A temporary or part-time worker, usually one working under contract for a fixed period or a specific project.)
Identification: In Job data -- Action/Reason will be “Add contingent worker”
Organizational Relationships
• The organizational relationship defines the relationship or relationships that a person has with the organization. These may be worker or non-worker relationships and a single person can have many different relationships at the same time or over a lifetime.
• You will always create a new instance for the person when
– A new PER_ORG is used (EMP, CWR) that the person has never had
– Any new POI with a job is needed. POIs are always created as separate instances.
– Anytime you want the new assignment to be treated as a new hire (with its own hire and service dates) and you don’t want to reactivate a terminated assignment.
Organizational Relationships – Employee Type
• The relationship of a person who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business.
• An employee can work under a contract.
• The exact definition of what defines an employee is left to the customer since each country has different rules. You will want to make the determination based on your regulatory requirements.
• Each employee relationship must have a distinct EMPL_RCD.
Add Employment Instance
Workforce Admin > Job Information > Add Employment Instance
• The relationship of a person who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business.
• An employee can work under a contract.
• The exact definition of what defines an employee is left to the customer since each country has different rules. You will want to make the determination based on your regulatory requirements.
• Each employee relationship must have a distinct EMPL_RCD.
Add Employment Instance
Workforce Admin > Job Information > Add Employment Instance
Organizational Relationships – Contingent
Worker Type
• The relationship of a person who provides services to another entity under terms specified in a contract on a non-permanent basis. Contingent workers include independent contractors, temporary workers, and leased workers.
• The exact definition of what defines a contingent worker is left to the customer since each country has different rules. You will want to make the determination based on your regulatory requirements.
• Each Contingent Worker’s relationship must have a distinct EMPL_RCD.
• The difference between the Employee and Contingent Worker job record is that the Provider ID can be entered in the Employment data of the Contingent Worker.
Add Contingent Worker instance
Workforce Admin > Job Information > Add Contingent Worker Instance
• The relationship of a person who provides services to another entity under terms specified in a contract on a non-permanent basis. Contingent workers include independent contractors, temporary workers, and leased workers.
• The exact definition of what defines a contingent worker is left to the customer since each country has different rules. You will want to make the determination based on your regulatory requirements.
• Each Contingent Worker’s relationship must have a distinct EMPL_RCD.
• The difference between the Employee and Contingent Worker job record is that the Provider ID can be entered in the Employment data of the Contingent Worker.
Add Contingent Worker instance
Workforce Admin > Job Information > Add Contingent Worker Instance
Organizational Relationships – Person of Interest Type
• A person who does not have an employment or a contingent worker relationship but who is still of interest to the organization. HCM has the need to track information on non-workforce people in many areas such as Cobra Participants, Pension Payees, GP Dependents, External Students and Instructors, and so on.
• Some POI relationships have job data records that are identified with a distinct employee record.
• Others (the ones that do not need JOB information) are identified by the POI_TYPE
Additional Assignment
• The additional assignment relationship concept allows us to create a new assignment for a person when they already have an existing instance and we do not want to count this new assignment as a ‘hire’. These assignments must be tied to an existing active instance of the same type (employee or contingent worker) and they will be ended if that instance is terminated. They may also be ended prior to the instance being terminated.
• Benefits of additional assignment relationships are:
– The new assignment will not be counted as a ‘hire’ for regulatory reporting and date setting
– The new assignment will be automatically terminated when the controlling instance is terminated.
– You can allow the users who have access to the controlling instance to also have access to the additional assignment or vice versa with just an installation setting on security.
• The restriction of using the additional assignment relationships is:
– The additional assignment cannot remain active, or be reactivated if the controlling instance is in an inactive status.
Additional Assignment and Organizational Relationships
Organizational instances can be limited to one assignment (EMPL_RCD) or include multiple assignments, depending on your needs. For example, a person can have a single Employment Instance with a company, but as part of that employment instance, they have three separate assignments, each identified by different EMPL_RCD numbers. One of these EMPL_RCDs is identified as the controlling instance containing the overall dates. The others refer only to the particular assignment.
Additional Personal Information
Workforce admin > Personal Information > Driver License Data
Workforce admin > Personal Information > Prior Work Experience
Workforce admin > Personal Information > Citizenship
Person Health Related Information
Workforce Monitoring > Health and Safety > Record Medical Exam Results.
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