North America Payroll Process overview

·         Set up the Balance ID tables (Once per year of Calendar) : Every calendar year must define Balance IDs (for each month) for each SetID, Balance ID and Calendar Year combination. This is accomplished under the Define Payroll Process menu group. You Should use the Create pushbutton on the first page after specifying the correct year. The Default Balance ID for the Calendar Year is 'CY'.

·         Setup Pay Calendar: For every Company/Paygroup you must create a Pay Calendar for each pay period. Pay Calendars may be set up manually or with the Pay Calendar creation process in Manage Payroll Process menu by setting up the run control with Pay calendar criteria. When you execute the Pay Calendar Creation program (PSPCLBLD), Pay Calendars for the year specified are created based on the criteria entered for each Paygroup.

·         Set up Pay Run ID: To set up the Pay Run ID, you must go to the Define Payroll Process menu, Setup -Pay Run Table page. It is recommended that Pay Run IDs be set up as you go along, i.e. at the time of each pay period processing. The payroll schedule may allow for logic to be associated with the Pay Run ID.

·         Associate the Pay Run ID to the Pay Calendar(s) : After the Pay Calendars have been created and Pay Run ID(s) set up, you must tie a Pay Run ID to each Pay calendars to be processed. Multiple Pay calendars can be associated with a single Pay Run ID. Tie the Pay Run ID to the Pay calendars using the Define Payroll process menu, setup – Pay Calendar Table page for the period in update mode. Enter the Pay Run ID in the Pay Run ID field on the page.

·         Create Paysheets: The PSPPYBLD Create Paysheet process is then executed. It builds raw Paysheets that will not have any of the employee time(i.e. sick, vacation etc) info. A PaySheet in contains base Payroll information. This includes Tax info, distribution (G/L) info and Job info.

·         Execute Preliminary Pay Calculation: Once Paysheets are created, then the system is ready for the execution of the first(prelim) pay calculation. the Primary purpose of the prelim pay calc is to validate the Paysheets, and corresponding Company/Paygroup/Employee data. Running a prelim pay calc will calculate checks. If error messages occur, execute and review the output of the PAY011.SQR, or view the messages on line and determine steps necessary for correction. Be sure to review the error and resolve them.

·         Execute the Pay Calculation: After teh prelim pay calc, the pay calc is re-executed untill no errors are produced.

·         Run Reports to Pre-Balance the payroll:
             PAY002 – Payroll Register report
             PAY018 – Payroll Summary report
             PAY007 – Deductions Not Taken report
             PAY008 – Deductions taken from Arrears report
             PAY010 – Employees not processed report
             TAX001 – Tax Deposit Summary report
These reports will provide you with the necessary data to balance your unconfirmed payroll. the formula for balancing a Payroll is {Total Gross Pay (off PAY002) -  Before TAx Deductions (off PAY018) - Earnings in Gross that are not Taxble(Off PAY018) + Taxable Benefits NOT in Gross (off PAY018)  + Taxable Earnings NOT in Gross (off PAY018)  =  Federal taxable Wages (off TAX001)}
Check that the taxes withheld are correct by taking the taxable grosses listed on PAY018 times the respective rates. You should also ensure that the gross-to-net foots on page one of PAY018
·         Run the Final Payroll Calculation: Then run the Pay calc in final mode is a must before confirming the Payroll. If you have not changed any data, then this step should be run with only calculate where needed switch set to on.
·         Run the Payroll Confirmation: Confirmation updates all year-to-date balances, sets out a confirmed check with an assigned check number and let’s you run the SQRs that create the check print file, the direct deposit transfer file, final reports, etc. If you ever do an unconfirm, be sure to do a recalculate all pay calculation before re-confirming.
·         Run the Leave accrual process: This process should be run before check print program, if the accrual info is required on the employee’s check/deposit memo.
·         Create the Check/Deposit Print Extract files: Run PAY003.SQR to print Checks and DDP003.SQR to print advises for each Pay Run ID.
·         Create the Direct Deposit Magnetic Media File(s): Execute the delivered SQR (DDP001.SQR) to create the standard ACH file for the clearing bank.
·         Execute and Print the various payroll reports as required by clients:
·         Create and distribute the Interface files: The last step is to interface the payroll dollars to the various entities (internal or external) in form of files and paper reports. This includes G/L Interface, AP Interface, HMO interfaces, Credit Union etc.
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Following are the four Key Status Fields that determine the overall status of a paycheck:

The programs to determine what has been processed so far and what still needs to be processed use these fields. This is what enables the processes to be run again and to continue where they leave off if an error occurs.