The Component Processor is the PeopleTools runtime engine that controls processing of an application from the time that a user requests a component from an application menu until the database is updated and processing of the component is complete.
The component processor manages the flow of data processing as users enter information on pages.Issues INSERT,DELETE,and UPDATE statements to maintain data in the database and SELECT statements to retrieve data.
Event flow
1. Searchinit
2. Searchsave
3. Rowselect
4. Prebuild
5. Field Default
6. Field Formula
7. RowInit
8. PostBuild
9. Activate
11. FieldChange (PrePopup, ItemSelected)
12. RowInsert
13. RowDelete
14. SaveEdit
15. SavePreChange.
16. WorkFlow
17. SavePostChnage.
2. Searchsave
3. Rowselect
4. Prebuild
5. Field Default
6. Field Formula
7. RowInit
8. PostBuild
9. Activate
11. FieldChange (PrePopup, ItemSelected)
12. RowInsert
13. RowDelete
14. SaveEdit
15. SavePreChange.
16. WorkFlow
17. SavePostChnage.
Difference Between Save Pre Change And Save Post Change?
As I know that Save Pre Change is the last event where we can save/manipulate the Component Buffer data. after this event we can not modify our component buffer data.
Save Post Change is for update/insert/Delete the data in record which are not associated with Component buffer. But we can manipulate the other record (Which are not associated with Component buffer) also in Save Pre Change so what is the use?
SavePreChange Event -The SavePreChange event is initiated after SaveEdit completes without error.SavePreChange PeopleCode provides one final opportunity to manipulate data before the system updates the database.In Save Prechange we can get the data from Component Buffer for that particular Component.
SavePostChange Event – SavePostChg is different from all other Peoplecode events since it is performed after the updates are made on the database.SavePost change Component Buffer is cleared we have to get data from Database and this is used to update values outside the database.
Explain about the component buffer and data buffer?
Component Buffer contains all the Data of active component. The data buffer is used to store data added from sources other than the component, such as from a PeopleSoft Application Engine program, an application message, and so on.
PeopleTools 8 provides an alternative to the scroll level, row, and field components in the form of the data buffer classes Rowset, Row, Record, and Field, which you reference using dot notation with object methods and properties.